Aeneas Coffey

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Aeneas Coffey

Aeneas Coffey (* 1780 in Calais , France , † November 26, 1852 in England ) was an Irish tax officer and engineer in Dublin . He improved in 1831 by the distiller Robert Stein ( KilDestille ) 1826 in the Lowlands developed for continuous distillation used column still (called distiller also Coffey-, patent or Continuous Still). He had initially offered his distillers to Irish whiskey distillers, but they turned it down. With Coffey's invention it was possible for the first time to produce large quantities of whiskey inexpensively. This whiskey is called grain whiskey and is the basis for blended whiskey.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gilbert Delos: Les Whiskeys du Monde. Translation from French: Karin-Jutta Hofmann: Whiskey from all over the world. Karl Müller, Erlangen 1998, ISBN 3-86070-442-7 , pp. 105 and 114.