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Agabus (Hebrew "grasshopper"; Greek Ἅγαβος hagabos ) was a prophet from Jerusalem at the time of the New Testament . The Acts of the Apostles names him twice ( Acts 11.28  EU and 21.10ff EU ).

  • The first time he comes to Antioch and predicts a great famine for the “whole world”. This probably happened in the 4th year of the emperor Claudius (45 AD). The famine is mentioned by Suetonius , Tacitus and Eusebius ; it was so bad in Jerusalem that Josephus says that many died of starvation.
  • The second time he appears 13 years later (58 AD) and foretells Paul that he will be captured by Jews in Jerusalem. As a sign he takes Paul's belt and ties his feet and hands. However, Paul is arrested by Roman soldiers in Jerusalem after a riot among the Jews.

Tradition counts Agabus among the 72 disciples whom Jesus sends out in Luke 10.1  EU . He is said to have died a martyr in Antioch.

Memorial days

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Martyrdom of St. Agabus, One of the Seventy Disciples. Coptic Orthodox Church Network, accessed November 17, 2015 ( Synaxarion for Amshir 4).
  2. ^ A. Mertens: Agabus, the Apostle, the Prophet at Antioch. In: Who Was a Christian in th Holy Land? Archived from the original on March 5, 2016 ; accessed on November 17, 2015 (English).