Ibrahim I. ibn al-Aghlab

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Gold dinar of Ibrahim I (808)

Ibrahim I. ibn al-Aghlab , Arabic إبراهيم بن الأغلب, DMG Ibrāhīm ibn al-Aġlab , († 812 ), first emir of the Aghlabids in Ifrīqiya (800-812).

During the uprisings of the Kharijites in Ifriqiya at the end of the 8th century al-Aghlab came to this province of the Caliphate and battled successfully the unrest. His son Ibrahim rose to the rank of emir of Ifriqiya in 800 and founded the Aghlabid dynasty . He also achieved recognition as a hereditary governor by the caliph Hārūn ar-Raschīd .

After the pacification of the country, he founded the residence al-Abbasiya in order to keep the restless legal scholars of Kairuan at a distance, who could incite the population to revolt again and again. In order not to be dependent on the Arab troops alone, Ibrahim I formed a guard of 5,000 dark-skinned slaves. The necessity of this measure was shown in several revolts by Arab troops (802, 805, 810), but these were suppressed. In addition to pacifying the country, Ibrahim I also succeeded in building an orderly administration, which laid the foundations for Ifriqiya's economic boom in the following century. Ibrahim I ibn al-Aghlab was followed by his sons Abdallah I (812-817), Ziyādat Allah I (817-838) and Abu Iqal (838-841).


  • Ulrich Haarmann : History of the Arab World. Edited by Heinz Halm . 4th revised and expanded edition. CH Beck, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-406-47486-1 ( Beck's historical library ).
  • Stephan Ronart, Nandy Ronart: Lexicon of the Arab World. A historical-political reference work. Artemis Verlag, Zurich et al. 1972, ISBN 3-7608-0138-2 .
predecessor Office successor
- Emir of the Aghlabids
Abdallah I.