Agromyza graminicola

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Agromyza graminicola
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Fly (Diptera)
Subordination : Flies (Brachycera)
Family : Leaf miners (Agromyzidae)
Genre : Agromyza
Type : Agromyza graminicola
Scientific name
Agromyza graminicola
Hendel , 1931

Agromyza graminicola is a fly from the family of the leaf miner (Agromyzidae).


The flies reach a body length of about 2.7 millimeters. Their body is glossy black, the tarsi are also black, in the males the tarsi on the front legs do not have upright bristles. The flake wings are white, the Costa loader extends to the M1 + 2 vein. The forehead is longer than it is wide and has only two frontal bristles, the front orbital bristle is in the middle of the forehead. The third pair of dorsocentral bristles is in front of the supra-alar bristles.

Occurrence and way of life

The animals are widespread and common in Central Europe, for example on marsh meadows. The larvae develop as miners in grass.

supporting documents


  • Joachim Haupt, Hiroko Haupt: Flies and Mosquitoes. Observation, way of life . 1st edition. Naturbuch-Verlag, Jena and Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-89440-278-4 .