Ahmet Alkış

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Ahmet Alkış (born November 10, 1949 in the district of Kırkağaç , Manisa Province ) is a Turkish brigadier general and since 2005 President of the Military Court of Cassation .


Alkış graduated from Istanbul University with a law degree in 1972 .

In 1994 he was elected a member of the fourth chamber of the Turkish Military Court of Cassation and in 1996 he was promoted to the rank of colonel . From September 6, 2004 to August 30, 2005, he was a member of the second chamber of the Military Court of Cassation and at the same time a full member of the criminal senate at the conflict of jurisdiction court .

On August 30, 2005, he was finally promoted to Brigadier General and, based on his rank, was appointed President of the Military Court of Cassation.