Academic Defense Muenster

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The Academic military Munster was a volunteer corps , which at the suppression of the Ruhr uprising was involved.


The Academic Wehr Münster was founded in autumn 1919 by Hubert Naendrup , who later became the rector of the Westphalian Wilhelms University . The group was located in the environment of the German student body and the German National People's Party . The formation was used in the Kapp Putsch . The most important task of the 750-strong Freikorps in the Ruhr uprising in March 1920 was to secure train stations and bridges around Münster against rebellious Ruhr workers.

The weir consisted of three battalions . The 1st battalion consisted of military students and was led by Egon Treeck , the second consisted of members of the Catholic corporations and the third battalion consisted of the remaining students under the leadership of the future pastor and resistance fighter Martin Niemöller . The Münster Wingolf was part of the III. Battalions. On April 23, 1920, after the Ruhr area had been secured, it was dissolved again.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Fahlbusch: People without space - space without people . In: Heidrun Kämper , Peter Haslinger, Thomas Raithel (eds.): History of democracy as a history of the caesura: Discourses of the early Weimar Republic . Walter de Gruyter, 2014, p. 255 , doi : 10.1524 / 9783050065274.253 .
  2. ^ Lieselotte Steveling: Juristen in Münster: A contribution to the history of the law and political science faculty of the Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster / Westf. LIT Verlag Münster, Münster: 1999, p. 196.
  3. The Shadows of the Past. New studies on the WWU during the Nazi era. know.leben from December 16, 2009 (Universitäts-Zeitung Münster). December 16, 2009, accessed October 14, 2016.
  4. Martin Niemöller Foundation: Stations from the life of Martin Niemöller . Retrieved October 29, 2019 .
  5. ^ Jens Murken: Pastor Karl Niemann (1895-1989) and the First World War . In: OWL and the First World War 1914-1918. Ostwestfalen-Lippe between the front and the home front .
  6. ^ Lieselotte Steveling: Juristen in Münster: A contribution to the history of the law and political science faculty of the Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster / Westf . LIT Verlag Münster, 1999, ISBN 3-8258-4084-0 , p. 202 ( limited preview in Google Book search).