Akil İnsanlar Heyeti

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Akil İnsanlar Heyeti (about "Council of Wise Men") is a commission set up on April 3, 2013 by the then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan , which had the task of supporting the population for peace negotiations in the context of the Turkish-Kurdish conflict with the underground organization PKK public relations work.

The commission should also have an advisory role. It had 63 members and was divided into seven working groups, each with nine members, for the various regions of Turkey . Each of the seven working groups had a chairperson, deputy chairperson and a secretary who were not elected but appointed. As part of public life, the members went (and will go) different professions such as artist, journalist, lecturer, author, employee of an NGO , industrialist and many more. to.


Mediterranean region

  1. Chairman: Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu
  2. Vice-Chair: Lale Mansur
  3. Secretary: Tarık Çelenk
  4. Kadir İnanır
  5. Nihal Bengisu Karaca
  6. Şükrü Karatepe
  7. Muhsin Kızılkaya
  8. Öztürk Türkdoğan
  9. Huseyin Yayman

Eastern Anatolia

  1. Chairman: Can Paker
  2. Vice-Chair: Sibel Eraslan
  3. Secretary: Ayhan Ogan
  4. Mahmut Arslan
  5. Abdurrahman Dilipak
  6. İzzettin Dogan
  7. Abdurrahman Kurt
  8. Zübeyde Teker
  9. Mehmet Uçum

Aegean region

  1. Chairman: Tarhan Erdem
  2. Deputy Chair: Avni Özgürel
  3. Secretary: Arzuhan Doğan Yalçındağ
  4. Erol Ekici
  5. Hilal Kaplan
  6. Hasan Karakaya
  7. Fuat Keyman
  8. Fehmi Koru
  9. Baskın Oran

Southeast Anatolia

  1. Chairman: Yılmaz Ensaroğlu
  2. Vice-Chair: Kezban Hatemi
  3. Secretary: Mehmet Emin Ekmen
  4. Murat Belge
  5. Fazıl Hüsnü Erdem
  6. Yılmaz Erdoğan
  7. Etyen Mahçupyan
  8. Lami Özgen
  9. Ahmet Faruk Unsal

Central Anatolia

  1. Chairman: Ahmet Taşgetiren
  2. Vice-Chair: Beril Dedeoğlu
  3. Secretary: Cemal Uşşak
  4. Celalettin Can
  5. Vahap Coşkun
  6. Dogu Ergil
  7. Erol Göka
  8. Mustafa Kumlu
  9. Fadime Özkan

Marmara region

  1. Chairman: Deniz Ülke Arıboğan
  2. Deputy Chairman: Mithat Sancar
  3. Secretary: Levent Korkut
  4. Mustafa Armağan
  5. Ali Bayramoğlu
  6. Ahmet Gündoğdu
  7. Hayrettin Karaman
  8. Hülya Koçyiğit
  9. Yücel Sayman

Black Sea Region

  1. Chairman: Yusuf Şevki Hakyemez
  2. Deputy Chair: Vedat Bilgin
  3. Secretary: Fatma Benli
  4. Şemsi Bayraktar
  5. Kürşat Bumin
  6. Oral Çalışlar
  7. Orhan Gencebay
  8. Yıldıray Oğur
  9. Bendevi Palandöken


The commission is (as of March 2013) criticized in parts of the Turkish public because the largest working group consists of journalists who are close to the government and Fethullah Gülen . As a result, the Commission is denied independence. The chairman of the pro-Kurdish BDP , Validan Kisanak, expressed her disappointment that the body only had twelve women. In addition, there were no direct representatives of the Kurds.

Results of the work

In just under 3 months the 'wise men' held over 300 meetings with more than 60,000 people across the country. At the end of June 2013, the delegations submitted their reports to the Prime Minister. Celalettin Can from the delegation for Central Anatolia and Zübeyde Teker from the delegation for Eastern Anatolia summed up the joint result of the delegations with the demand for a change of the electoral law and the adoption of a new constitution. The reports are said to have had little effect on government policy.

Individual evidence

  1. Hürriyet online: İşte Akil İnsanlar Heyeti , accessed on April 4, 2013 (Turkish)
  2. Internet portal of the Turkish daily newspaper Yurt : Heyet-i nasiha ya da Akil insanlar , accessed on April 6, 2013 (Turkish)
  3. A list can be found in the report of the Turkish Democratic Forum (DTF) for the month of April 2013 Commission of the wise people meets , accessed on March 21, 2014
  4. Internet portal of the Turkish daily newspaper Yurt : Yandaş basın 'akil insan' oldu , accessed on April 3, 2013, (Turkish)
  5. See a report from Junge Welt from April 5, 2013, reproduced by the Peace Research Working Group, entitled Erdogan's way: Turkish government takes further steps in the peace process with the PKK ; Accessed March 21, 2014
  6. See a report from Junge Welt dated June 28, 2013, reproduced by the Peace Research Working Group, entitled Erdogan stops the peace process: Turkish Prime Minister rejects reforms in Kurdistan ; Accessed March 21, 2014
  7. A detailed account of the report that the delegation that visited the south-east of the country can find in the daily Radikal of June 26, 2013 İşte Akillerin Erdoğan'a sunduğu rapor (The report that the wise men Erdoğan submitted); Accessed March 21, 2014
  8. See a corresponding report in Bianet of October 1, 2013 with the title Akiller Heyeti Raporlarındaki Talepler Pakette Yok (The demands in the reports of the delegations of the wise are not included in the (law) package); Accessed March 21, 2014
  9. Compare a review by Necdet İpekyüz in Bianet of March 20, 2014 Sadece Silahların Susması Barış Getirmez (Only the silence of the arms will not bring peace); Accessed March 21, 2014