aktuell - magazine for former Berliners

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aktuell - magazine for former Berliners

description Magazine for Berliners expelled during the Nazi era
language German English
First edition March 1970
Frequency of publication every six months in June and December
editor Press and Information Office of the State of Berlin
Web link current
Article archive Online archive (from December 2003)
ZDB 2688331-4

aktuell - magazine for former Berliners is a magazine for former Berliners who werepersecuted and driven out of the city during the Nazi era .

The group of recipients currently includes almost 6,800 people (as of 10/2018) who live in 42 countries worldwide. The magazine is published every six months by the Press and Information Office of the Berlin Senate Chancellery . It offers an overview of what is happening in Berlin today and is at the same time a forum for the emigrants among themselves, because every issue publishes articles and search advertisements from readers. currently appears in June and December as a printed edition for the special readership of former Berliners. Since December 2003, is currently published on the Internet.

History of the magazine

The first issue of the magazine aktuell appeared in March 1970. aktuell was originally intended to provide information via an invitation program, the so-called emigrant program. Under the Governing Mayor Klaus Schütz , the Senate of Berlin decided on this special invitation program on June 10, 1969. Since then, all the Governing Mayors of Berlin have regularly invited groups of former Berliners to their hometown who had to emigrate during the National Socialist era . In order to organize this invitation program and to provide information about it, was recently founded. The first issue of the magazine was eight pages long. In the course of time an increasingly extensive magazine developed. Since the anniversary edition no. 100 appears to date bilingual in German and English in order to reach the second and third generations.

Content of the magazine

The magazine aktuell provides information from and about Berlin. The topics come from different social areas: culture, education, sport, politics, social affairs and others.

The magazine is regularly enriched by contributions from outstanding public figures. So wrote already German President Horst Kohler , Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Thierse and ambassadors from the United States , Israel or the United Kingdom for the magazine. Even Nobel laureate Imre Kertész gave the magazine an interview.

aktuell sees itself as a bridge between the past and the future. Contributions from readers are published in each issue. This currently contains unique eyewitness reports. The magazine is a forum where memories can be exchanged. Lost contacts can also be restored. There is a search ads section in every issue . Unique eyewitness reports are made accessible and can also be used for scientific research.

Web links