Ala Gallorum Picentiana

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The Ala Gallorum Picentiana ( German  Ala der Gauls des Picens ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by military diplomas and inscriptions.

Name components

  • Gallorum : the Gaul . The soldiers of the Ala were recruited from the various tribes of the Gauls when the unit was formed.
  • Picentiana : des Picens. The Gauls' cavalry units were often named after one of their first commanders. Lucius Rustius Picens is named here as the namesake .

Since there is no reference to the addition of milliaria (1000 men) to the name , the unit was an Ala quingenaria . The nominal strength of the Ala was 480 men, consisting of 16 towers with 30 riders each.


The Ala was stationed in the provinces of Germania and Britannia (in that order). It is listed on military diplomas for the years AD 74 to 124. Tacitus mentions the unity in his Historiae (Book IV, Chapter 62) as Ala Picentina .

The first evidence in the province of Germania is based on a diploma dated 74. In the diploma, the Ala is listed as part of the troops (see Roman Armed Forces in Germania ) that were stationed in the province. Other diplomas, dated 76 to 82, prove unity in the same province.

The first evidence in the province of Britannia is based on diplomas dated to 122. The diplomas list the Ala as part of the troops (see Roman Forces in Britannia ) that were stationed in the province. Another diploma, dated 124, proves unity in the same province.


Locations of the Ala in Germania were possibly:

Locations of the Ala in Britannia may have been:

Members of the Ala

The following members of the Ala are known:



See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c John EH Spaul: Ala². The Auxiliary Cavalry Units of the Pre-Diocletianic Imperial Roman Army. Nectoreca Press, Andover 1994, ISBN 0-9525062-0-3 , pp. 185-186.
  2. ^ Jörg Scheuerbrandt : Exercitus. Tasks, organization and command structure of Roman armies during the imperial era. Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau 2003/2004, p. 157, 159 tables 1, 3 ( PDF p. 159, 161 ).
  3. Military diplomas of the years 74 ( CIL 16, 20 ), 76 ( RMM 2 ), 82 ( CIL 16, 28 ), 122 ( AE 2004, 1900 , CIL 16, 69 ) and 124 ( CIL 16, 70 ).