Ala I Ulpia Syriaca

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The Ala I Ulpia Syriaca ( German  1st ulpic Ala Syriaca ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by a military diploma and an inscription.

Name components

  • Ulpia : the Ulpian . The honorary designation refers to Emperor Trajan , whose full name is Marcus Ulpius Traianus .
  • Syriaca : from Syria or the Syriac.

Since there is no reference to the addition of milliaria (1000 men) to the name , the unit was an Ala quingenaria . The nominal strength of the Ala was 480 men, consisting of 16 towers with 30 riders each.


The Ala was stationed in Syria Province . It is listed on a military diploma for the year 153 AD. In the diploma, the Ala is listed as part of the troops (see Roman forces in Syria ) that were stationed in the province.

A vexillation of the Ala took part in the Parthian War of Lucius Verus (161-166). It is listed in the inscription ( CIL 3, 600 ) as part of the units that were under the direction of Marcus Valerius Lollianus . The inscription says that Lollianus was the commander in Mesopotamia over sections of selected riders of the Alen [..] and the cohorts .


Locations of the Ala are not known.

Members of the Ala

Members of the Ala are not known.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Military diploma of the year 153 ( AE 2006, 1841 ).
  2. Rudolf Haensch , Peter Weiß : A difficult way. The road construction inscription by M. Valerius Lollianus from Byllis. In: Communications from the German Archaeological Institute. Roman department . Volume 118, 2012, pp. 435–454, here pp. 441–442 and pp. 448–449 ( online ).