Ala Khallidi

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Ala Khallidi ( Arabic ألا خلّدي) was the first national anthem of the Tunisian Republic (independence on March 20, 1956). It replaced the national anthem of the Beys of Tunis two years after independence in 1958, and it was also changed in 1987 with the regime change.


Ala Khallidi was composed under the government of the first Tunisian President, Habib Bourguiba (1903-2000). After the abolition of the monarchy, it was clear to the new rulers of Tunisia that the symbols of this monarchy also had to disappear. The Minister of Education (ministre de l'éducation nationale) organized a competition for the best national anthem, in which numerous Tunisian poets took part. It was important that both the text and the melody were written by Tunisians, as opposed to the Bey melody, for example, which was composed by an Egyptian.

The winners of this competition were the poet Jalaeddine Naccache (1910–1989) and the musician Salah El Mahdi , then director of the Tunis Conservatory. The competition took place in 1958, but it is not clear whether the national anthem was played on March 20, 1958 or not until March 20, 1959.

In 1987, with the regime change by General Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali , the national anthem was changed again. Today it is called Humat al-hima .


DMG transliteration
ألا خلّدي يا دمانا الغوالـي جهــــاد الوطن
لتحرير خضـرائنا لا نبالـي بأقسى الـمحـــن
جهــــاد تــحـــــلّى بنصـــــر مبيــــــن
على الـغاصبين على الظالـــمين طغاة الزمـــن
نـخـوض اللهيــــب بروح الـحبيب زعيـم الوطن
أرى الحكم للشعب فابنوا لنا من المجد أعلى صروح تشاد
أجيبوا أجيبوا لأوطاننا نـداء اﻷخـوة والاتـحـاد
وذودوا العدى عن حمى أرضنا وكونوا أسودا ليوم الجلاد
ورثنا الجلاد ومجد النضال وفي أرضنا مصرع الغاصبين
وصالت أساطيلنا في النزال تـموج بأبط النا الفاتحين
لواء الكفاح بهذا الشمال رفعناه يوم الفدى باليمين
شباب العلى عزّنا بالحمى وعزّ الحمى بالشباب العتيد
لنا همّة طالت اﻷنجما تعيد المعالي وتبني الجديد
فحيّوا اللّوا خافقا في السّمـا بعزّ وفخر ونصر مـجـيد


'Ala khallidi ya dimana-l-ghawali jihad al-watan
Litahriri khadhra'ina la nubali bi'aqsa-l-mihan
Jihadun tahalla binasrin mubin `ala-l-ghasibin
`ala-dh-dhalimin Tughat-iz-zaman
Nakhudh-ul-lahib biruh-il-Habib Zai`im-il-watan


'Ara-l-hukma li-sh-sha`bi f-abnu lana Min al-majdi a`la suruhin tushad
'Ajibu' ajibu li'awtanina Nida 'al-ukhuwwati wa-l-ittihad
Wa dhudu-l-`ida `an hima ardhina Wa kunu 'usudan liyawm-il-jilad



Warithna-l-jilada wa majd an-nidhal Wa fi 'ardhina masra`-ul-ghasibin
Wa salat asatiluna fi-n-nizal Tamuju bi'abtalina-l-fatihin
Liwa'-ul-kifahi bihadha-sh-shamal Rafa`nahu yawma-l-fida bi-l-yamin



Shabab-ul-`ula `izzuna bi-l-hima Wa` izzu-l-hima bi-sh-shabab-il-`atid
Lana himmatun talat-il-'anjuma Tu`id-ul-ma`ali wa tabni-l-jadid
Fahayyu-l-liwa khafiqan fi-s-sama Bi`izzin wa fakhrin wa nasrin majid



Our blood is immortal and precious,
that we have shed for our dear fatherland,
to free our green country from oppression.
We will stand happily.
The fight will bring a sweet victory.
Remove the yoke that oppresses us.
The fire we fight and believe we stay.
The spirit of our great leader Habib.
The people are independent and so let us edify
a glorious fortress visible to everyone.
Oh follow, oh follow the call of the fatherland
to true brotherhood and true unity.
Be ready like lions for battle
to defend our country against every friend.


Today we inherit the fame and the struggle.
Oppressors were fought here on the battlefield
Our legions attack in a rage in the field
Like heroes in waves, let out their war cry.
We have erected the banner of the war in the north.
We are bound to our country by oath and ransom


Oh our noble youth assure us the defense
our fame as soon as you are ready.
Our strong aspiration reaches heaven.
Greatness returns and we see a new day.
Greetings to the flag as it now flies in the sky
with honor, fame and a great victory.

See also

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