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Alator (after Maier "hunter" or "protector") is the name of a Celtic god from Britain . According to the Interpretatio Romana, he is equated with Mars .


Alator was worshiped in the Roman base of Arbeia ( South Shields in Northern England), where an altar with an inscription was found (RIB 1055) and in Barkway ( Hertfordshire ), evidenced by a silver votive plate (RIB 218) with an image of the god as a warrior in full of armor and the text D (EO) MARTI ALATORI. This votive plate is now in the British Museum in London .


In the BBC - Fantasy television series "Merlin" (German title " Merlin - The New Adventures " ) is Alator , played by Gary Lewis , in Episode 7 "The Secret Sharer" a magician who is in dispute between Merlin and Morgana have to decide for one side.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Patricia Monaghan translated in The encyclopedia of Celtic mythology and folklore , p. 13, with "who educates and nourishes his people" .
  2. Article Merlin (series) in the English language Wikipedia