Albanus Glacier

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Albanus Glacier
Topographic map of the Albanus Glacier (bottom left)

Topographic map of the Albanus Glacier (bottom left)

location Marie-Byrd-Land , West Antarctica (politically: Ross Dependency )
Mountains Queen Maud Mountains , Transantarctic Mountains
length 40 km (roughly estimated)
Coordinates 85 ° 52 ′  S , 151 ° 0 ′  W Coordinates: 85 ° 52 ′  S , 151 ° 0 ′  W
Albanus Glacier (Antarctica)
Albanus Glacier
drainage Scott Glacier
Template: Infobox Glacier / Maintenance / Image description missing

The Albanus Glacier is a glacier about 40 km in length that flows west along the south side of the Tapley Mountains and joins the Scott Glacier north of Mount Zanuck in the Queen Maud Mountains .

It was discovered by the geological team of the second Antarctic expedition (1933-1935) led by Quin Blackburn (1900-1981) led by the American polar explorer Richard Evelyn Byrd . The glacier is named after the entrepreneur Albanus Phillips Jr. (1902–1970), a sponsor of this and Byrd's first Antarctic expedition (1928–1930).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ John Stewart: Antarctica - An Encyclopedia . Vol. 1, McFarland & Co., Jefferson and London 2011, ISBN 978-0-7864-3590-6 , p. 20 (English).