Alberico da Barbiano

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Alberico da Barbiano

Alberico da Barbiano (* 1348 in Barbiano, now part of Cotignola ; † April 26, 1409 in Città della Pieve ) was an Italian condottiere .


He was born in 1348 to the da Barbiano family , Counts of Cunio. From 1376 he belonged to the army of John Hawkwood (Giovanni Acuto), from 1377 he was in the service of Bernabò Visconti . At the same time founded the mercenary group San Giorgio (Compagnia di San Giorgio), from which later a number of famous Condottieri emerged, u. a. Braccio da Montone and Muzio Attendolo Sforza .

His sons were Lodovico da Barbiano († 1423), Manfredo da Barbiano and Lippa da Barbiano , whom he had with his second wife Beatrice da Polenta .


Fascist Italy named the light cruiser RN Alberico da Barbiano after him in 1930 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ingeborg Walter : Barbarino, Ludovico da (Ludovico da Zagonara). In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 6 (1964), online version at DBI Treccani