Albert Zeyer

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The Dulaschulhaus, 1930–34

Albert Zeyer (born May 20, 1895 in Triengen , † February 28, 1972 in Oberkirch ) was a Swiss architect .

After completing an apprenticeship as a draftsman with Heinrich Meili-Wapf , Zeyer spent a period abroad, mainly in East Prussia, and studied without a degree at the ETH Zurich , among others with Karl Moser . In 1923 he opened his own office in Triengen and later in Emmenbrücke. Zeyer experienced his breakthrough in Lucerne , where his main work, the Dulaschulhaus , was created from 1931 to 1933 , while at the same time he created one of the most consistent examples of New Building in Switzerland. With his new school building, Zeyer combined two late historical school buildings into a common courtyard ensemble. Other important buildings are the Evangelical Reformed Church in Emmenbrücke LU (1933/34), the Forbrich residential building in Weggis LU (1932), the Reber residential and commercial building in Lucerne (1935/36) and the Blaesi residential studio in Lucerne (1938) .

Albert Zeyer was a successful master builder, particularly in the 1930s, who had committed himself to the New Building style. Under the influence of the National Exhibition of 1939 in Zurich, the representatives of avant-garde modernism found it increasingly difficult to implement their architectural ideas. Unlike his contemporaries, Zeyer was not ready to compromise. It was not until the 1950s that he received more orders again (including the Langenthal BE District Hospital), which the architecture scene no longer took notice of.

Works (selection)

  • Dulaschulhaus , Lucerne, 1930–34
  • Evang.-ref. Gerliswil Church , Emmen, 1934
  • Reber residential and commercial building , Lucerne, 1936
  • Ackermann House , Entlebuch, 1937
  • Pension Volta , Lucerne, 1937
  • Atelierhaus Blaesi , Lucerne, 1938
  • Zimmermann House , Lucerne, 1939


  • Tommaso Zanoni: Albert F. Zeyer In: Isabelle Rucki and Dorothee Huber (eds): Architectural Lexicon of Switzerland - 19./20. Century Basel: Birkhäuser 1998. P. 216 f. ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 .
  • Fabrizio Brentini: The architect Albert Zeyer (1895–1972). edition, Lucerne 2004.

supporting documents

  1. Hannes Ineichen, Thomas Zanoni: Lucerne architects. Architecture and urban development in the canton of Lucerne 1920–1960. Werk Verlag, Zurich 1985. ISBN 3-909145-06-X .
  2. Buildings by members of the Lucerne section of the Federation of Swiss Architects BSA: the Dula school building in Lucerne, by architect A. Zeyer BSA, Lucerne In: Werk, Vol. 25 (1938) Issue 6, pp. 188–192. Online .