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Albumares brunsae

Albumares brunsae

Temporal occurrence
558 to 555 million years
Multicellular animals (Metazoa)
Scientific name
Fedonkin , 1976
  • Albumares brunsae

Albumares is a fossil of the Ediacariums , which iscountedamong the Trilobozoa andbelongs tothe White Sea community .


The generic name Albumares is a twist of the Latin mare album meaning white sea (from mare, maris = "sea" and albus, alba, album = "white"). The binomial Albumares brunsae honors the Russian geologist Elisabeth P. Bruns , who carried out important work on the Precambrian stratigraphy of European Russia at the beginning of the 20th century .


The type locality of Albumares brunsae is the Russian Verkhovka formation , which is located on the Onega Peninsula along the Syusma ( White Sea region near Arkhangelsk ). An alleged occurrence in the Rawnsley quartzite of the Flinders range in South Australia has not yet been documented with images.


Albumares fossils are usually preserved as negative prints at the base of sandstone banks.

Albumares is of a flattened, circular shape with three lobes that resemble the arrangement of a three-leaf clover. The diameter can vary from 8 to 15 millimeters. The surface of the fossil is covered by three dendritic-branched depressions and three protruding, oval ridges, which radiate radially from the center. The praises are very slightly twisted into spirals.

Family position

Albumares was originally interpreted by Mikhail Alexandrowitsch Fedonkin as a free-swimming umbrella jellyfish (Scyphozoa). He interpreted the branched depressions of the fossil as imprints of internal radial canals, in the three oval back-like elevations he thought he recognized the imprints of mouth lobes or gonads.

After the discovery of the closely related taxon anfesta stankovskii Fedonkin introduced the two organisms due to their resemblance to tribrachidium in the trilobozoa , an extinct group with triradialer symmetry and with affinities to hollow animals (coelenterates). Trilobozoa are only superficially similar to cnidarians . They were initially as a class of stem viewed coelenterates, but after splitting the Coelenterata into two separate tribes Cnidaria and Ctenophora (Ctenophora) the trilobozoa were eventually also increased the rank of master.


The latest research work sees albumares as a benthic soft-body animal that was not permanently attached to its substrate, but was only temporarily attached to the substrate made of microbe mats . Characteristically, only the upper side of the animal is usually preserved as a fossil impression, but internal structures can occasionally be identified.

The branched furrows on the top of the fossil are imprints of radial, channel-like depressions, whereas the three ridges in the central part are likely to represent bulges of internal body cavities. This arrangement of grooves and bulges may have been related to the ingestion and digestion of food particles.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Keller, BM and Fedonkin, MA: New organic fossil finds in the Precambrian Valday series along the Syuz'ma River . In: International Geology Review . tape 19 (8) , 1977, pp. 924-930 , doi : 10.1080 / 00206817709471091 .
  2. Gehling, JG and Droser ML: Textured organic surfaces associated with the Ediacaran biota in South Australia . In: Earth Science Reviews . tape 96 (3) , 2009, pp. 196–206 , doi : 10.1016 / j.earscirev.2009.03.002 .
  3. a b Ivantsov, A. et al .: The imprints of Vendian animals - unique paleontological objects of the Arkhangelsk region (in Russian) . Arkhangelsk 2009, ISBN 978-5-903625-04-8 , pp. 91 .
  4. ^ McMenamin, Mark AS: "The Sand Menagerie" The Garden of Ediacara: Discovering the First Complex Life . Columbia University Press, Moscow 1998, pp. 11-46 .
  5. ^ Keller, BM and Fedonkin, MA: New Records of Fossils in the Valdaian Group of the Precambrian on the Syuz'ma River . In: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geol. (In Russian) . tape 3 , 1976, p. 38-44 .
  6. Fedonkin, MA: Systematic Description of Vendian Metazoa . In: Sokolov, BS and Iwanowski, AB Vendian System (eds.): Historical-Geological and Paleontological Foundation . Vol. 1: Paleontology (in Russian). Moscow: Nauka 1985, p. 70-106 .
  7. Fedonkin, MA: Precambrian Metazoans . Eds .: Briggs, D. and Crowther, P. Palaeobiology: A Synthesis. Blackwell, 1990, pp. 17-24 .
  8. Runnegar, BN and Fedonkin, M.A.: Proterozoic Metazoan Body Fossils . Ed .: Schopf, JW and Klein, C. The Proterozoic Biosphere: A Multidisciplinary Study. Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. 373 .