Alessandro Bazan

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Alessandro Bazan (born February 21, 1966 in Palermo ) is a contemporary Italian painter .


Bazan studied from 1984 to 1987 at the Accademia di belle arti (ABA) di Urbino . Since graduating, he has been working as a freelance painter. His modern genre painting focuses on figurative paintings in oil or as wall paintings. His works also include still lifes . In addition to free expressive painting, he also uses the airbrush technique .

Together with Fulvio Di Piazza, Andrea Di Marco and Francesco De Grandi, he was one of the first Sicilian painters to rediscover Renato Guttuso's painting, reinterpret it and mix it with influences from pop culture and cinematography .

He lives and works in his hometown.

Exhibitions (selection)

In 1989 he probably had his first solo exhibition in the Galleria La Robinia in his hometown. In the Romberg Arte Contemporanea gallery in the province of Latina he had his first exhibition for which there was an exhibition catalog. In 1994 he exhibited in Turin in the Galleria In-Arco under the title "98" and in Rome in the Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea (MLAC) of the University of La Sapienza . In 1996 and 2002 he exhibited at the Sergio Tossi Arte Contemporanea gallery in Florence . In 1999 and 2008 Bazan took part in the Quadriennale di Roma . In 2005 he exhibited his “Anthology of Jazz Paintings” in the Palazzo della Penna in Perugia ; The curator was Luca Beatrice. Albert Skiras Verlag published a catalog for the exhibition . In 2010 his works were shown in a solo exhibition at the Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi in Lucca . In 2012 he exhibited in Palermo under the title “Moderna” in the Galleria d'Arte Moderna .


Individual evidence

  1. Alessandro Riva: Iconica: arte contemporanea e archeologia in Sicilia . Ed .: Ferruccio Barbera. Charter, 2005, ISBN 978-88-8158-535-9 , pp. 188 (Italian, ).
  2. Luca Beatrice: Da che arte stai? Una storia revisionista dell'arte italiana . Rizzoli, 2010, ISBN 978-88-586-5213-8 (Italian, ).
  3. Susanna Partsch : Bazan, Alessandro. In: General Artist Lexicon. International artist database - AKL-IKD ID = 30179952.
  4. Alessandro Bazan in the Archivio Biblioteca Quadriennale (ArBiQ).
  5. Alessandro Bazan. Jazz Paintings . Sistema Museo. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
  6. Alessandro Bazan , Bonelli ArteContemporanea ; accessed on November 18, 2017.
  7. ^ Mostra "Moderna" di Alessandro Bazan ( it ) Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Palermo. Accessed November 17th.