Alexander Andrejewitsch Storch

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Alexander Andrejewitsch Storch ( Russian Александр Андреевич Шторх ; * December 4, 1804 - November 5, 1870 ) was a Russian first lieutenant in the Lithuanian Life Guard Grenadier Regiment.


He came from a German-Baltic aristocratic family. The father was the vice president of the Academy of Sciences Andrei Karlowitsch Schtorch ( Heinrich Friedrich von Storch ) (1766-1835).

On October 30, 1820, he entered the appropriate class of the engineering school to train as a senior boatman. On November 15, 1821, he became a junker with the rank of senior boatman at the St. Petersburg engineering management. On March 13, 1822 he was transferred to the 2nd Marine Regiment as an officer's deputy (Podpraporschtschik / Подпрапорщик ). On December 16, 1822 he became ensign (Praporschtschik / Прапорщик ), on May 17, 1824 lieutenant. On January 17, 1825, he joined the 1st Life Guard Grenadier Regiment.

In the revolt of the Decembrists he took part in the battle on the square of the Senate (December 14, 1825). On that day, at the instigation of AP Wadbolski , he was arrested in a cellar, where he and his soldiers had fled after the rifle shots at the insurgents. After an interrogation by WW Lewaschow on December 15, 1825, he was taken to the dungeons of the Peter and Paul Fortress (“but only the officer's uniform should be taken away from him”). On January 4, he was given solitary confinement. On January 8, 1826, he was transferred to the Vyborg Fortress. An investigation found that he was not a member of the Decembrist secret societies.

On the highest decree (June 15, 1826) he was released and taken over into the army with the same rank, but had to report monthly on his "conduct". By order of July 8, 1826, he was transferred as a major from the Tobolsk infantry regiment to the Wilmanstrand infantry regiments. As a lieutenant colonel, he resigned on April 24, 1843.

He became head of a metal works in the Cherikovsk district in the Mogilev province (today: Mahiljou ). At the request of his brother Nikolaj Andrejewitsch Storch , he returned to the capital Moscow in 1855. He has been rehabilitated and his intelligence (third division) surveillance has been labeled excessive.

Alexander Andrejewitsch Storch died on November 5, 1870 and was buried in Pavlovsk .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Short biography on Retrieved on May 14, 2011