Alexander Ilyich Tyumenev

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Alexander Tyumenev's grave in the Komarovo cemetery

Alexander Ilyich Tjumenew ( Russian Александр Ильич Тюменев ., Scientific transliteration Aleksandr Il'ič Tjumenev ; born August 12 . Jul / 24. August  1880 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 1. June 1959 in Leningrad ) was a Russian historian and orientalist . He had been a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences since 1932 .


Tyumenev graduated from the Faculty of History and Philosophy at the University of Saint Petersburg in 1904 . At the same (at that time under the name of Petrograd University) he worked as a professor from 1921 to 1923. From 1928 he was a research assistant at the Leningrad branch of the Communist Academy and from 1931 to 1938 at the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (now the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Tyumenev dealt among other things with the methodology of the historical sciences. In addition, he published more than 100 papers with a focus on ancient oriental studies, in particular on the ancient Sumerian society and slave-keeping societies, their economic and social structures. Tyumenev was also the author of one of the first Marxist works on ancient society, with a focus on ancient Greece and Rome .

For his services Tyumenev was awarded the Order of the Red Labor Banner .

Publications (selection)

  • Tyumenev AI: Teorija istoričeskogo materializma . Saint Petersburg 1907
  • Tyumenev AI: Očerki ėkonomičeskoj i social'noj istorii Drevnej Grecii. , Volumes 1-3, Petrograd 1920-22
  • Tyumenev AI: Vvedenie v ėkonomičeskuju istoriju Drevnej Grecii. Moscow-Petrograd 1923
  • Tyumenev AI: Istorija antičnych rabovladel'českich obščestv. Moscow-Leningrad 1935
  • Tyumenev AI: Gosudarstvennoe chozjajstvo Drevnego Šumera . Moscow-Leningrad 1956

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Article Alexander Ilyich Tyumenew in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D113245~2a%3D~2b%3DAlexander%20Iljitsch%20Tjumenew
  2. Short biography in the Large Encyclopedic Dictionary (Russian); checked on March 25, 2012
  3. Article Тюменев Александр Ильич in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D113245~2a%3D%D0%A2%D1%8E%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B2%20%D0%90% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% BA% D1% 81% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% B4% D1% 80% 20% D0% 98% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D0% B8% D1% 87 ~ 2b% 3D% D0% A2% D1% 8E% D0% BC% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B5% D0% B2% 20% D0% 90% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% BA% D1% 81% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% B4% D1% 80% 20% D0% 98% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D0% B8% D1% 87
  4. ↑ Tyumenev's profile on the official website of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian); checked on March 25, 2012
  5. The ancient world. Dictionary reference work, EdwART 2011 (Russian); checked on March 25, 2012