Alexander MacDonald, 10th Earl of Ross

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Alexander MacDonald (* around 1390; † May 8, 1449 in Dingwall ), 10th Earl of Ross , Lord of the Isles , was a Scottish nobleman .


His father was Donald MacDonald, Lord of the Isles , and his mother was Mary Leslie, 9th Countess of Ross . After the death of his father in 1423 he came into his inheritance and thus also took over his title as "Lord of the Isles". And although his mother was still alive and de iure entitled to the title, after the death of John Stewart, Earl of Buchan in 1424, James I awarded him the title of "Earl of Ross".

In order to restore law and order in the Highlands, he followed a call from James I in 1427 for a meeting of all leaders in Inverness . There he was placed under arrest and other leaders were immediately executed. After his escape (or release?) He raised an army of men from Ross and the islands. He returned and burned Inverness, but was unable to take the castle there. Persecuted by an army under the personal leadership of the king, he stood without a fight with his troops at Lochaber on June 23, 1429 , as his most important allies had previously deserted. He accepted unconditional submission and was subsequently imprisoned at Tantallon Castle . Despite his imprisonment, his relatives did not give up and were defeated at Inverlochy in 1431 by an army led by Alexander Stewart, 12th Earl of Mar , who had been successful against Donald MacDonald, Lord of the Isles 20 years earlier.

The pardon for Alexander's deeds took place in 1431 on the occasion of the celebrations for the baptism of the heir to the throne James II ; the title of "Earl of Ross" was not awarded to him until 1436. In 1438 he was listed as legal counsel of Scotland for the areas north of the Forth, and until his death his signature appeared repeatedly on documents with legal content.

Alexander was married at least once. From his marriage to Elisabeth, daughter of Alexander Seton, came his son John , heir and later 11th Earl. The sons Celestine and Uisdean (also Hugh) and the daughters Margaret and Florence are also recorded; however, their legitimacy cannot be clearly demonstrated.


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Individual evidence

  1. names "Halyburton" as a surname
predecessor Office successor
Mary Leslie Earl of Ross
John MacDonald
Donald MacDonald Lord of the Isles
John MacDonald