Alexander Negris

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Alexander Negris ( Greek Ἀλέξανδρος Νέγρης , also in the transcription Alexandros Negres ) was a Greek military officer with the rank of colonel , veteran of the Greek War of Independence and first lecturer in Modern Greek at Harvard University .

Negris, nephew of Prince Alexander Ypsilantis (1792-1828) and cousin of the freedom fighter Theodor Negris (1790-1824), was born in Athens as the son of Alexandros Negris and Eleni Ypsilanti and grew up in Constantinople . Even in the final phase of the struggle for freedom, during which he also held the function of γενικός γραμματεύς (General Secretary) for Western Greece, he had to leave Greece and in 1828 he became the first lecturer in Modern Greek at Harvard University. In the same year he published a grammar of the modern Greek language, the first ever printed grammar of modern Greek in the USA. In addition to a lexicon of Greek proverbs, Negris also creates editions of the ancient Greek orators Aeschines and Demosthenes , the father of historiography Herodotus and the poet Pindar for academic teaching.


  • A Grammar of the Modern Greek Language with an Appendix Containing Original Specimens of Prose and Verse. - Συνοπτικὴ τῆς Ἁπλοελληνικῆς Διαλέκτου Γραμματική . Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, Boston, 1828 ( digitized ); Anonymous review in: The Christian Examiner and General Review Vol. VI = New Series Vol. I, Boston 1829, pp. 324-330 ( digitized version ).
  • The Orations Of Aeschines And Demosthenes On The Crown: With Modern Greek Prolegomena, And English Notes (1829). Kessinger Publishing , Paperback, 2009, ISBN 1-104-39793-5 .
  • A Dictionary Of Modern Greek Proverbs with an English Translation, Explanatory Remarks, and Philological Illustrations. Thomas Clark, Edinburgh, 1831. Reprint: Kessinger Publishing, Paperback, 2009, ISBN 1-104-59218-5 ( digitized ); also: Nabu Press, Paperback, 2010, ISBN 1-145-44899-2 .
  • The History Of Herodotus Of Halicarnassus In Nine Books, with Prolegomena, Notes, and Emendations . 2 vols. Thomas Clark, Edinburgh, 1833. Kessinger Publishing, Paperback, ISBN 1-161-00571-4 ( digitized volume 1 ; volume 2 ). Anonymous review in: The Gentleman's Magazine . Volume VII New Series. William Pickering, John Bowyer Nichols and Sons, London 1837, pp. 28-36 ( digitized version ).
  • The Works Of Pindar: With Various Readings, Notes, And Emendations (1835). Kessinger Publishing, Paperback, 2009, ISBN 1-104-50964-4 .
  • Edward Robinson: A Greek and English lexicon of the New Testament. Revised by Alexander Negris. T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1872.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Minerva. A journal of historical and political content. From Dr. Friedrich Alexander Bran. First volume for the year 1826. January, February, March. Jena in the Bran'schen Buchhandlung 1826, pp. 380–386 ( digitized version )
  2. ^ John Groves: A Greek and English Dictionary . Hilliard, Gray, and Company, Boston 1834, p. 100 ( digitized version )