Alexandra Petrovna Chvostova

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Alexandra Petrovna Chvostova

Alexandra Petrovna Chwostowa born Alexandra Petrovna Cheraskowa , ( Russian Александра Петровна Хвостова , maiden name Russian Александра Петровна Хераскова * 1768 in St. Petersburg , †  1853 in Kiev ) was a Russian writer . They use the pseudonyms Aa, Chwa-a and Christianka.


Alexandra Petrovna was the daughter of Pyotr Matwejewitsch Cheraskows and his wife Jelisaveta Petrovna née Countess Devjer and niece of the well-known writer Mikhail Matwejewitsch Cheraskow . She enjoyed a good home education. She learned foreign languages ​​and studied Russian and foreign language literature , supported by her uncle Mikhail Cheraskov. In 1788 she married Dmitri Semjonowitsch Chwostow.

Alexandra Petrovna Chwostowas first printed work was the translation of the French treatise Via Sion lugent (also known as De triplici via or Théologie mystique ) by the Carthusian monk Hugues de Balma . In 1796 she published small, sensitive prose works in the language of Karamzin . They were very well received and translated into French, German and English . The biography des hommes vivants (1817) dedicated an article to her. The educated world met in their St. Petersburg salon, including Dmitri Bludow , Alexander Belosselsky and Counts Joseph and Xavier de Maistre .

At the beginning of the 18th century, when mystical and supranaturalist ideas spread in the higher society of St. Petersburg, Alexandra Chwostova also became enthusiastic about them. She especially joined the circle around Alexander Labsin and became an employee of his Sionski Westnik ( Messenger of Zion ). When the persecution of mysticism began, Chvostova was banished from St. Petersburg, so she settled in Kiev . There she was elected chairman of the Kiev Society for Poor Welfare and was the head of the technical school for women of Countess AV Levaschowa.

Web links

Commons : Chwostow family  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Commons : Family Cheraskow  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c В. В. Сиповский: Хвостова, Александра Петровна. In: Русский биографический словарь . St. Petersburg, Moscow 1918.
  2. a b c d e Brockhaus-Efron : Хвостова (Александра Петровна, урожд. Хераскова, 1768–1853)