Alexandre Markelbach

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Alexandre Pierre Jacques Markelbach (born August 7, 1824 in Antwerp , † July 20, 1906 in Brussels - Schaerbeek / Schaarbeek ) was a Belgian genre and church painter.

Alexandre Markelbach was the grandson of an Austrian officer who emigrated to Belgium at the end of the 18th century and the son of an industrialist living in Antwerp.

Markelbach studied at the Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten van Antwerpen with Philippe Jacques van Bree . In 1843 he painted a “Virgin with a Rosary”, which brought him success in 1845 at the three-year salon in Antwerp, and from 1845 continued his training in Munich with Wilhelm Kaulbach . He returned to Antwerp three years later. After his marriage in 1858, he settled in Brussels.

He started out as a painter of historical genre scenes. He made two study trips to Italy. After returning to Belgium, he began to paint religiously.

Alexandre Markelbach was elected correspondent on March 1, 1883 and a member of the first class of the Academy of Fine Arts on January 10, 1889.


Web links

Commons : Alexandre Markelbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files