Alexandru A. Beldiman

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Alexandru A. Beldiman (born May 16 . Jul / 28. May  1855 greg. In Iasi , † 1924 ) was a Romanian liberal politician and diplomat .


Writers' Association Junimea, 8th row: Theodor Buiucliu, AD Xenopol, Petru Th. Missir, Aristide Peride, Alexandru Al. Beldiman, V. Cuciureanu, G. Zaharia.

In 1877 he joined the Junimea writers' association and wrote for the 1877 annual report. He joined the foreign service and was secretary of the legation in Berlin and Sofia.

He worked for the journal Țară nouă (New Land), a scientific journal for economics and literary studies that appeared twice a month in Bucharest from February 1, 1884 to June 1887, and author of several articles on legal, historical and political topics, the Written in Romanian, German and Latin, especially in the years 1876–1917. He supported Romania's accession to the Triple Alliance in September 1883.

From 1888 to 1895 he was envoy to Belgrade . From 1895 to 1896 he was State Secretary in the Foreign Ministry. From 1896 to 1916 he was the Romanian envoy in Berlin .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Iacob Negruzzi: Amintiri din Junimea . Humanitas SA, 2012, ISBN 978-973-50-3751-2 ( - reading sample).
  2. Scrisori pentru Caragiale . Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Arheologie Prahova, 2003, p. 88 ( - no side view).
  3. Tobias C. Bringmann : Handbuch der Diplomatie 1815-1963: Foreign Heads of Mission in Germany and German Heads of Mission abroad from Metternich to Adenauer . Walter de Gruyter, 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-095684-9 , p. 338 ( - excerpt).
predecessor Office successor
1863 Teodor Kalimaki
1863 October 23, 1866: Dragutin Prohaska vice-agentului român la Belgrade
1877 Lascăr Catargiu JA Kantakuzen, ministrul român la Belgrad
Guranesku, poslanik
Romanian envoy in Belgrade from
1888 to 1895
1905 to 1909: Constantin G. Nano
Grigore Ghica-Brigadier Romanian envoy in Berlin from
1896 to 1916
Constantin G. Nano