Alexei Alexandrovich Alexandrov

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Alexei Alexandrowitsch Alexandrow (* 1933 ) is a Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of thermodynamics .


Alexandrov graduated from Arkhangelsk Shipbuilding College in 1950 . In the same year he began studying at the Moscow Energy Institute . After graduating, he stayed there as a teacher at the Chair for Theoretical Basics of Thermal Engineering. In 1985 he received the title of professor there .

In the 1970s, under his direction at the institute, an experimental setup was set up to measure the speed of sound at temperatures up to 650 K and pressures up to 100 MPa . Equations for the thermophysical properties of water and water vapor have been established on a large scale.

Alexandrov is the chairman of the Russian National Committee on the Properties of Water and Water Vapor. Since 1992 he has been an honorary member of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Water Vapor (IAPWS).


In 2002, Alexandrov received the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.


  • AA Aleksandrov, BA Grigor'ev: Tables of thermophysical properties of water and water vapor: a reference book . - Moscow: MPEI, 2003
  • VN Zubarev, AA Alexandrov, VS Okhotin: Practical work on technical thermodynamics: textbook . Handbook for universities. - 3rd ed., Pererab. - M .: Energoatomisdat, 1986
  • SL Rivkin, AA Aleksandrov: Thermophysical properties of water and water vapor . - M .: Energy, 1980
  • AA Alexandrow, AB Matveev: Dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity of water in the critical range . . TVT, 19: 2 (1981)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Творческий путь заслуженного деятеля науки РФ д т. н профессора кафедры Теоретических основ теплотехники им. М. П. Вукаловича Алексея Александровича Александрова Этапы биографии .
  2. Участники РНК МАСВП .
  3. Доска почёта МЭИ ( ru-RU )
  4. a b c d Персоналии: Александров Алексей Александрович .