Alexei Wassiljewitsch Kolzow

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Alexei Kolzow, portrayed by Kirill Gorbunow

Alexei Wassiljewitsch Kolzow ( Russian Алексей Васильевич Кольцов ; emphasis: Kolzów , * 3 October July / 15 October  1809 greg. In Voronezh ; † 29 October July / 10 November  1842 greg. Ibid) was a Russian poet .


Alexei Kolzow was the son of a cattle dealer. Most of his education was self-taught, only a short school visit has been handed down. He initially helped in his father's business and also read the works of Mikhail Lomonosov , Gavriil Derschawin , Vasily Zhukovsky , Alexander Pushkin and others, and began to write himself at the age of 16. However, the early works have not survived.

Business took him to Moscow in 1831 , where he found the opportunity to publish poetry, and he won high-ranking patrons from the tsarist upper class. He was about to give up his trading business and move to St. Petersburg when he died in 1842. The exact cause of death is not known; the poet often suffered from depression. The cause of death "consumption" was mentioned in the contemporary press.

An edition of his poems with a biography written by Vissarion Belinsky appeared in St. Petersburg in 1846; they were first translated into German in 1885. Among these poems it is primarily the Russian songs that made Koltsov famous. He was the first Russian poet who artistically processed the Russian folk song.


  • Peter Schalfejew : The popular poetry of A. Kol'cov and Russian folk poetry. A literary historical investigation. With two supplements: 1. Editions of Kol'cov's works. 2. Translations of Kol'cov's popular songs . Duncker, Berlin 1910.

Web links

Commons : Aleksey Koltsov  - collection of images, videos and audio files