Alfred Assolant

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Writer Alfred Assolant

Jean Baptiste Alfred Assolant (born March 20, 1827 in Aubusson , † March 3, 1886 in Paris ) was a French writer.


Alfred Assolant worked as a teacher in Paris and other cities for a number of years from 1847, then turned to North America in search of a freer existence , but soon returned to Paris disappointed and published here under the title: Scènes de la vie des États- Unis (1859) several novellas , which caused a general sensation due to the liveliness of the presentation and local color.

New novels and stories appeared in quick succession , in which, of course, a certain indifference to order and symmetry, as well as a preference for paradoxical assertions and eccentric intellectual leaps became increasingly apparent.

He entered as a political writer, more and more bitter, especially in the organs of the commune Party on, as he also his hatred of Germany ( Le docteur Judas son used to make air at every opportunity).

Works (selection)


  • Scènes de la vie des États-Unis, Acacia, les butterfly, une fantasie américaine , Paris 1859
  • Brancas Paris 1859
  • Deux amis en 1792 , Paris 1859 (German: Two friends in 1792 , 1863)
  • Histoire fantastique du célèbre Pierrot écrite par le magicien Alcofribas , 1860
  • Les aventures de Karl Brunner , Paris 1860
  • Marcomir, histoire d'un étudiant: Roman , Paris 1862.
  • Aventures merveilleuses mais authentiques du capitaine Corcoran , Paris 1867 (German: The wonderful but true adventures of Captain Corcoran )
  • François Bûchamor: récits de la vieille France , Paris 1872
  • Rachel, histoire joyeuse , Paris 1874
  • La croix des prêches , Paris 1877
  • Pendragon , Paris 1881

Political publications

  • D'heure en heure Paris 1862
  • Vérité! Vérité! , Paris 1863
  • Pensées miscellaneous, impressions intimes, opinions et paradoxes de Cadet-Borniche: sonneur de cloches de la cathédrale de Felletin (Creuse) sur la poésie, la gymnastique, l'athétique, la physique, la métaphysique et l'hyperphysique et les sciences adjacentes et sous-jacentes , Paris 1864.

Web links