Alfred Neven DuMont (publisher, 1868)

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Alfred Eduard Maria Neven DuMont (born February 20, 1868 in Cologne ; † December 8, 1940 there ) was a German publisher .


Alfred Neven DuMont was a son of the publisher August Neven DuMont . After studying law in Geneva and Strasbourg, he was trained in the printing trade in the Viennese court and state printing office in 1890 . Then he worked in the Reichsdruckerei Berlin and a paper shop in Cologne. In 1892 he joined the publishing house M. DuMont Schauberg, run by his father, and headed the local printing company. In 1895 he became an authorized signatory . When his father died the following year, Alfred Neven DuMont and his older brother Josef Neven DuMont took over the management of the publishing house as full partners. In 1915 he became a senior partner in the company and ran it together with his nephew August Neven DuMont . He published the " Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger " and from 1926 the " Kölnische Illustrierte Zeitung ". He was also a commercial judge , deputy chairman of the Association of German Newspaper Publishers (VDZV) and member of the board of the Association of Rheinischer Zeitungsverleger.

Grave of the Neven Dumont family in the Melaten cemetery in Cologne

He was married to the women's rights activist Alice Minderop (1877–1964). The couple had two daughters and two sons: Paul (1897-1918) and Kurt Neven DuMont . Alfred Neven DuMont's grandson of the same name (1927–2015) was chairman of the supervisory board of the M. DuMont Schauberg group from 1990 to early 2015.

Alfred Neven DuMont was buried in the family grave in the Melaten cemetery in Cologne (hall 63a).




  1. Obituary (