Alfred Schickentanz

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Alfred Schickentanz (born February 6, 1937 in Tczew (Dirschau), Republic of Poland ; † April 21, 2018 ) was a German educator and honorary citizen of his hometown.


Alfred Schickentanz was director of the Overath - Rösrath adult education center in North Rhine-Westphalia. Since 1976 he maintained regular contacts in his hometown. During martial law in 1982 he organized regular humanitarian aid transports there. Around 1990, Alfred Schickentanz initiated the establishment of a center for adult education ( Centrum Edukacji Dorosłych ) based on the model of a German adult education center, which also offered further training courses and played an important role in job placement in the area with high unemployment. He was instrumental in creating a computer room there and supported the business school and social institutions in the city. In 1994 he was given honorary citizenship of the city of Tczew.

Albert Schickendanz was also awarded the Federal Cross of Merit. He was a member of the CDU and in the men's choir Spich in 1874. He was married to Ilse Schickentanz since 1958 and has children.


  • Aspects to work with the elderly. Notes on preparation and implementation , 1985
  • Adult education in Poland. VHS Overath / Rösrath initiates the establishment of a communal adult education center in Tczew. In: Adult Education Center. Journal of the German Adult Education Association . Volume 43, 1992. pp. 148-152.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About the visit of a delegation from Tczew, with 19 people to the 2008 Golden Wedding (Polish)
  2. ^ Esther Hirsch, Christoph Jost, Gisela Wakesch (eds.): 50 years DVV International . Bonn 2019. p. 100, refers to the support of the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation
  3. ↑ Obituary notice