Alfredo Baldomir

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Alfredo Baldomir

Alfredo Baldomir Ferrari (born August 27, 1884 in Paysandú , † February 25, 1948 in Montevideo ) was a Uruguayan soldier, architect and politician from the Partido Colorado . He was president from June 19, 1938 to March 1, 1943 and supported the Allies in World War II .

Baldomir joined the army in 1900 and later studied architecture and engineering . From 1931 to 1934 he worked as Police Chief of Montevideo and from 1935 to 1938 he was Minister of Defense . In 1938 he became president. In 1942 he broke off diplomatic relations with the Axis powers . In the same year he dissolved parliament in a coup and extended his term of office by one year.

Web links

  • Short biography (Spanish) on, accessed on February 3, 2013