Algimantas Kurlavičius

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Algimantas Kurlavičius (born September 13, 1944 in the Rajongemeinde Rokiškis ) is a Lithuanian politician.


After graduating from secondary school in Obeliai , he completed his radio engineering studies in 1967 and then completed his apprenticeship at the Kauno politechnikos institutas . In 1975 he received his doctorate in the Council for Technical Cybernetics and Information. From 1967 he worked in the laboratory for biophysics at the Kauno medicinos universitetas , then taught at the Kauno politechnikos institutas and Lietuvos žemės ūkio akademija , from 1991 he headed the chair of computer science at the LŽŪU. From 1997 to 2000 and from 2007 to 2011 he was Deputy Mayor of Kaunas.

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