Allée couverte by Ville Bellanger

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The Allée couverte of Ville Bellanger is a gallery grave and is close to La Bouillie in Hénansal in Lamballe in Côtes-d'Armor in Bretagne in France .


The gallery grave, oriented to the southwest and northeast, is about 13.0 m long, 1.3 m wide and 0.9 m high. It is bounded by eight orthostats in the north and six in the south . Of the seven capstones, two have been preserved (an average of 3.0 m long and 2.0 m wide) including the one broken in two.

Three bearing stones and a capstone were brought near Ypres in Belgium to build the so-called "Dolmen von Boesinghe" (also called "Dolmen du Carrefour des Roses") in memory of the dead Bretons in the Belgian army during the First World War .

The dolmen in neighboring Hénanbihen and the Calvary of Plouagat were moved to Pilckem in Belgium, where Bretons who died in the first gas attack during the First World War were also buried.

In Hénanbihen, nearby is the Allée couverte by La Roche Couverte .

See also

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Coordinates: 48 ° 33 ′ 29.5 "  N , 2 ° 24 ′ 36.4"  W.