Alla Ilyinichna Lyovushkina

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Alla Iljinitschna Lyowuschkina ( Russian Алла Ильинична Лёвушкина ; born May 5, 1927 in Ryazan , Russian SFSR , Soviet Union ; † January 23, 2020 ) was a Russian surgeon . During her lifetime she was the oldest specialist in Russia and was considered the oldest practicing surgeon in the world.

Lyovushkina originally wanted to become a geologist, but then studied medicine at the Moscow Medical Academy and specialized in proctology, which was very unpopular in Russia at the time . In an interview, she reported on the circumstances in which she and her fellow students lived during our studies. They shared the scarce food that their relatives had sent them and exchanged the bottle of alcohol they were allowed as medical students for bread at the market. For half a liter of alcohol you got a loaf of bread.

From 1951 she worked as a surgeon. She worked in Siberia for years. The work there was not popular with other doctors for fear of the daily flights in the helicopter. She only returned to her hometown of Ryazan when she was retired.

From 1949 to 2018, she operated on an estimated 10,000 people, and according to her, there was not a single death in these 67 years.

Even in old age she was still in demand as a surgeon and performed operations four days a week in a clinic in the city of Ryazan . Due to her small body size of around 1.50 meters, she stood on one step during operations. For Lyovushkina, surgery was not just a job, it was a way of life. In 2018, Lyovushkina quit her job as a surgeon.

Lyovushkina received a prize in 2014, which is awarded annually to the best doctors in Russia. Both practicing doctors and leading scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of medicine are honored.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lizzie Parey, Andrea Downey: Meet the world's oldest surgeon who at 89 years old and 4ft 9ins still operates four days a week perched on a stool. In: The Sun. February 2, 2018, accessed April 27, 2018 .
  2. В Рязани ушла из жизни легендарная врач-хирург Алла Левушкина. In: Retrieved January 24, 2020 .
  3. Note: Applies to both male and female doctors.
  4. Алла Левушкина - старейший хирург России до сих пор проводит более сотни операций в год. In: Retrieved on May 1, 2018 : "О первых студенческих годах Левушкина отзывается коротко:" Голодали мы, вот и все ". Студентам выдавали талоны на питание, но какое там питание, суп - одна вода. Зато раз в месяц учащимся мединститута полагалась бутылка спирта , и с этим спиртом все бежали на базар, на пол-литра можно было выменять буханку хлеба. "
  5. a b Вручение премии «Призвание» лучшим врачам России. June 11, 2014, accessed on April 29, 2018 (Russian): “За верность профессии”. Левушкина Алла Ильинична, врач-хирург городской клинической больницы №11 (Рязань), врач-хирург городской клинической больницы №11 (Рязань), уработает1 хир.
  6. a b c Alla is 90, operates every day and doesn't think about quitting. In: Stern. April 29, 2018. Retrieved April 29, 2018 .
  7. Алла Левушкина - старейший хирург России до сих пор проводит более сотни операций в год. In: Retrieved May 1, 2018 .
  8. Jenny Maganran Goh: 89-year-old Russian surgeon still operates 4 days a week - and is not retiring. In: MIMS today. February 11, 2017, accessed April 29, 2018 .
  9. The last day . Der Spiegel 23/2018.
  10. World's oldest surgeon is still scrubbing in at the grand age of 89. In: February 1, 2017, accessed April 29, 2018 .