Allantion tachyploon

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Allantion tachyploon
without rank: Rhizaria
without rank: Cercozoa
Order : Cercomonadida
Family : Heteromitidae
Genre : Allantion
Type : Allantion tachyploon
Scientific name of the  genus
Sandon, 1924
Scientific name of the  species
Allantion tachyploon
Sandon , 1924

Allantion tachyploon is a flagellate from the Cercomonadida group . It is the only species in the genus Allantion .


The cells are elongated, cylindrical with rounded ends and circular in cross section. They move smoothly. They have a visible trailing flagella that arises just below the cell tip in a small belly pocket. A front flagellum cannot be seen in the light microscope. The cell nucleus is located in the front area of ​​the cell. In the rear area there are refractive granules and food vacuoles.

The cells slide rapidly on the ground with the flagella and the front end resting on the substrate. The rear end is stretched up at an acute angle and does not touch the ground.

Pseudopodia have not been observed. The cysts are polyhedral .


The species is able to catch small representatives of the Cercomonadida and heterotrophic Chrysomonadales .


Allantion tachyploon is known from the Arctic, Antarctic and Europe. It is widespread here in the soils and in fresh and salt water.


According to molecular genetic studies, the genus is a member of the Heteromitidae family . Morphologically it is similar to Heteromita , but it lacks the anterior flagella, and the type of locomotion is clearly different.

supporting documents

  • Alexander P. Myl'nikov, Serguei A. Karpov: Review of diversity and taxonomy of cercomonads. In: Protistology. Vol. 3, No. 4, 2004, ISSN  1680-0826 , pp. 201–217, online (PDF; 249 kB)

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Ema E.-Y. Chao: Phylogeny and Classification of Phylum Cercozoa (Protozoa). In: Protist. Vol. 154, No. 3/4, 2003, pp. 341-358, doi : 10.1078 / 143446103322454112