Alleestraße 24 (Düsseldorf)

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Commercial building at Alleestraße 24 (today Heinrich-Heine-Allee)
Alleestraße with Schmitz-Lenders house (back left), Royal High School (middle), Breidenbacher Hof (right), around 1900
Josef Wwe. Born Lenders, clerk (owner of the company Geschw. Lenders, purveyors to the court) Alleestr. 24 (address book 1888).
Geschw. Lenders, purveyors to the court, linen and linen equipment magazine, Modewaaren Allee- and Elberfelderstr. Corner 24 (owner Josef Schmitz has died) (address book 1889).
Hergesell, Eberhard, Commis Alleestraße 24 (address book 1889).
Falk Christian Commis Alleestraße 24 (address book 1889).
24 Schmitz, Josef Wwe. B. Lenders, linen, etc. Laundry equipment magazine (address book 1891).
Geschw. Lenders, purveyors to the court, linen and linen equipment magazine, Modewaaren, Allee and Elberfelderstrasse corner 24 (address book 1890).
Bleibtreu Ernst widow, b. Danzer, Alleenstrasse 24 (address book 1900).

The commercial building at Alleestraße 24 in Düsseldorf was built between 1882 and 1883 by the architects Otto van Els & Bruno Schmitz in the style of historicism based on the forms of the German Renaissance ( Nordic Renaissance ). It showed a gallery floor above the ground floor . The residential floors were located above. In 1904 the external appearance of the house with the corner tower and "picturesque" bay extensions was described, which "effectively" enlivened the street scene. Rudi vom Endt mentioned the prominent corner building because of the “bizarre corner turrets and old facades”. The building also appeared as a postcard motif.

Location and surroundings

The building was located on Alleestraße, today's Heinrich-Heine-Allee , on the corner of Elberfelder Straße. To the south on the opposite corner was the former Johann Peters office building ; the two buildings emphasized what was once the most important exit from the city at this point. Further south on Alleestraße followed the construction of the royal high school and the Hotel Breidenbacher Hof , Alleestraße 36. The Parkhotel building, erected in 1902 and now the seat of the Düsseldorf industrial club, was located on Elberfelder Straße .


Schmitz-Lender's widow had the “splendid building” on the corner built, in which she ran her large linen and linen shop.

For the year 1888 in the “address book of the city of Düsseldorf” the owner of the house “ Josef Wwe. Geb. Lenders, housewife (owner of Geschw. Lenders, purveyors to the court) Alleestr. 24 ”mentioned. Lenders was the widow of Josef Schmitz.

For the year 1889, the Lender siblings, who ran a business, are named in the “address book of the city of Düsseldorf” as residents of the house; Josef Schmitz had died: “ Geschw. Lenders, purveyors to the court, linen and laundry equipment magazine, fashion goods. Allee- and Elberfelderstrasse-corner 24 (owner Josef Schmitz has died, the corresponding correction of the entry […]) ”. The Commissioners Eberhard Hergesell and Christian Falk are mentioned for the year.

Likewise for the year 1890. In the year 1891 the widow Schmitz-Lenders is mentioned, who ran her lingerie business there: " Schmitz, Josef widow nee Lenders, linen and laundry equipment magazine ". The widow of Ernst Bleibtreu, nee. Danzer, called.

A wine tavern is later run in the shop. A city guide describes the building as “ 'Parisiana' - cabaret, wine restaurant, Alleestraße 24, near the city theater, telephone 7539 ”. Today the Heinersdorff Konzert-Theater-Kontor is located here.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Architects and Engineers Association in Düsseldorf (ed.): Düsseldorf and its buildings. L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1904, p. 336 illustration no. 442 [Alleestraße 24]
  2. Rudi vom Endt: Düsseldorf as it was , Düsseldorf 1962, p. 20.
    Rudi vom Endt: Düsseldorf as it was , Düsseldorf 1973, p. 26.
  3. ^ Heinrich Ferber : Historical walk through the old city of Düsseldorf . C. Kraus, Düsseldorf 1889. Reprint: Triltsch-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1980, part II., P. 107 [Alleestrasse].
  4. ^ Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf for 1888, first part. P. 201. “Address book of the city of Düsseldorf” 1888
  5. ^ Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf for 1889, first part. P. 167. "Address book of the city of Düsseldorf" 1889
  6. ^ Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf for 1889, first part. P. 111 Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf for 1889, first part., P. 69.
  7. ^ Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf for the year 1890, first part. P. 179. "Address book of the city of Düsseldorf" 1890
  8. ^ "Address book of the city of Düsseldorf" 1891
  9. ^ Address book of the city of Düsseldorf for 1900, first part. P. 35.
  10. Verkehrsverein Düsseldorf (ed.): Guide through Düsseldorf am Rhein and its surroundings , Düsseldorfer Verl.-Anst., Düsseldorf 1904, p. 111

Coordinates: 51 ° 13 ′ 35.6 ″  N , 6 ° 46 ′ 38.5 ″  E