Architects and Engineers Association Düsseldorf

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Logo of the Düsseldorf Architects and Engineers Association

The Architects and Engineers Association Düsseldorf e. V. (AIV) sees its main task in bringing together technical expertise in the construction industry and promoting the exchange of experience between those involved. In addition, he participates in the debate on the urban development of the state capital Düsseldorf with technical statements.


The Architects and Engineers Association in Düsseldorf was founded on July 12, 1893 by 38 architects, engineers and construction officials. In September 1893, the AIV was accepted into the Association of German Architects and Engineers' Associations . Today the AIV has almost 300 members.

From the beginning, the interdisciplinary cooperation of the various construction disciplines and the promotion of structural and scientific knowledge were the focus of the association's activities. In addition, great importance was always attached to cultivating the feeling of togetherness among the members through convivial, social and cultural events. In good Rhenish fashion, the establishment of a festival committee was one of the early decisions of the still young association.

Harmonization under National Socialism

From 1933, the policy of equalization intervened in club life. AIV chairmen had to be party members, and numerous members withdrew from active participation. The AIV's life of its own gradually disappeared; together with other associations, the AIV was transferred in 1938 to the Gesellschaft für Bauwesen , which in turn was subordinate to the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts . Nevertheless, the association continued to serve as a platform for the exchange of views between the various sectors of those involved in the construction at local level. The clubhouse on Steinstrasse was destroyed in an air raid during the war, and the club's archive was lost as a result.

Rebuilding after the Second World War

Immediately after the end of the war, the British occupying forces stopped all association activities, but on October 24, 1945 ten former members met to initiate a new beginning for the architects and engineers association "in its form before 1933". At the beginning of 1947 the association had 52 members. Reconstruction and topics such as rubble removal and recycling determined the agenda of the AIV meetings. In 1952 the Architects and Engineers Association and the Düsseldorf Architects' Association , the Association of German Architects , the "Rheinische Sezession" and the German Werkbund opposed the award of the planning for the expansion of the Düsseldorf City Hall without competition to Julius Schulte-Frohlinde and published a joint declaration under the title: "Objection to the new town hall in Düsseldorf".


At the beginning of the 1980s, the AIV Düsseldorf succeeded in turning from a traditional building circle to a future-oriented community of the building elite. The association expanded and opened up so that the first female engineers were accepted.


The focus of the association's activities is the interdisciplinary cooperation of the various building disciplines and the promotion of structural and scientific knowledge. On the one hand, the togetherness of the disciplines should be strengthened and, on the other hand, the holistic view of the construction process should be brought into focus. The promotion of young professionals as well as training and further education is also one of the core objectives of the association. The AIV Düsseldorf regularly organizes scientific, architectural and thematic events.

The AIV wants to influence the public with professionally competent statements on urban development and the development of the region, on planning and construction projects. This should arouse a broad interest in questions of planning and construction.

Examples of urban development and social engagement

Known members


AIV board 2013

  • Chairman: Dieter Schmoll
  • Deputy Chairman: Volker Weuthen
  • Cashier: Balthasar Gehlen
  • Secretary: Wolfgang Thielen
  • Assessor: Alexander Fürst
  • Assessor: Andreas W. Dahms


AIV Düsseldorf regularly plans and organizes scientific, building culture and thematic events. These events are partly offered within the association, but selected events are also made available to the wider public.

Building of the year

The members of the Düsseldorf Architects and Engineers Association vote annually for the “Building of the Year”. The most important criteria include architectural and urban planning aspects as well as the cooperation of all those involved in the construction, from the client and project developer to planners and designers to the executing companies.

Building of the year 2008: GAP 15


  • Architects and Engineers Association of Düsseldorf (ed.): Düsseldorf and its buildings. L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1904.
    As reprint : Grupello Verlag , Düsseldorf 1990.
  • Architects and Engineers Association of Düsseldorf (ed.): Chronicle of the Düsseldorf Architects and Engineers Association, published to celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary on July 12, 1918. L. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1918. ( digitized on )
  • AIV Düsseldorf (ed.): Architects and engineers design their city. 100 years of the Düsseldorf AIV Architects and Engineers Association. Richter Verlag, Düsseldorf 1993.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Presentation of the club's history on the AIV-Düsseldorf website , last accessed on October 19, 2010
  2. City Hall with Figürkes, DER SPIEGEL 44/1952 of October 29, 1952, page 30
  3. Architects criticize plans for Kö-Bogen
  4. Hofgarten: Don't cut up!
  5. ^ Walter Ernst: Fight for the preservation of the hammer railway bridge. Via a symposium of the AIV Düsseldorf. In: Baukultur , No. 2/1982. ( Memento of the original from June 27, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. AIV wants a big hit at Kö-Bogen,
  7. Press release Kö-Bogen
  8. Engineers see defects,  ( page can no longer be accessed , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  9. Partner of the University of Leipzig ( Memento of the original from August 15, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , last accessed October 19, 2010  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. AIV press release on GAP15 , last accessed on October 19, 2010
  11. AIV selects the building of the year 2008 on , last accessed on October 19, 2010
  12. AIV awards two buildings of the year for the first time , AIV press release on the buildings of 2010 , last accessed on December 17, 2014