Allt na Cille

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Allt Na Cille (also Alt na Cille , Allt na port Cullaidh , Elgol or Strathaird estate called) is a "rock-cut" - basement north of Glasnakille on the Isle of Skye in the Highlands in Scotland . In the case of basements , a distinction is made between "earth-cut", "rock-cut", "mixed", "stone built" and "wooden" basements. Basement areas usually occur in connection with Iron Age structures. More than 500 have been located in Scotland. About 20 of them are on Skye.

Excavations in the gallery discovered in 1997 yielded a loom weight and charcoal . The soil analysis revealed evidence of oak , alder , hazelnut , willow , six-row barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) and Persicaria lapathifolia ( dock knotweed ).

Nearby is the menhir of the same name ( Erioll world.svg).

Allt na Cille is also the name of a river on the Isle of Mull in Argyll and Bute .

See also


  • Roger Miket: The souterrains of Skye. In: Beverley Ballin Smith, Iain Banks (eds.): In the shadow of the brochs. The Iron Age in Scotland. Tempus, Stroud et al. 2002, ISBN 0-7524-2517-X , pp. 96-97.

Individual evidence

  1. Basement Allt Na Cille , description, location (English)
  2. ^ Menhir Allt Na Cille

Web links

Coordinates: 57 ° 9 '5.8 "  N , 6 ° 4' 14.3"  W.