Alonso de Fonseca III.

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Alonso de Fonseca y Ulloa

Alonso de Fonseca III. or Alonso de Fonseca y Ulloa (* 1476 in Santiago de Compostela ; † March 12, 1534 in Toledo ) was Cardinal of the Catholic Church and Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela (1507-1523) and Archbishop of Toledo (1523-1534).

He was the son of Alonso de Fonseca II and Maria de Ulloa. In 1507 he succeeded his father after his resignation in the office of Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela. He was a member of the Cortes in Santiago de Compostela under the rule of Charles V. At the election of Hadrian VI. to the Pope in 1522 he traveled to Rome to the Vatican. Hadrian then installed him as Archbishop of Toledo in 1523. In this capacity he baptized Philip II , the later monarch of Spain and Portugal.

Alonso de Fonseca III. was a patron of the sciences and arts. He financed the establishment of the Colexio de San Xerome , a university in Santiago de Compostela, and the Colegio Mayor de Santiago el Zebedeo in Salamanca. He exchanged letters with important European thinkers and authors, to whom he also gave financial support. Among other things, he corresponded with Erasmus von Rotterdam , Juan de Oria and Miguel Eguía , the translator of the Llibre dels àngels . Alonso de Fonseca III. had several children together with Juana de Pimentel.

Web links

Commons : Alonso de Fonseca III.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Alonso de Fonseca II. Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela
Juan Pardo de Tavera
Guillaume III. de Croy Archbishop of Toledo
Juan Pardo de Tavera