United Global Academy

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United Global Academy (UGA) is a university association that sees itself as a global platform for knowledge transfer between science, business, politics and culture. The UGA is based in Vienna .


The United Global Academy (UGA) is a network of universities, scientific institutions, companies and international organizations. It is based in Vienna and was founded in 2005 by the OIER - Organization for International Economic Relations, which has existed since 1947, together with Daimler AG and universities from Europe and North America .

Topics and projects

As an inter-university organization, the UGA deals with the exchange of knowledge and topics such as future viability, mobility, innovation, sustainability and social responsibility. It sees itself as a project-oriented global network with strong regional roots. Through its partner universities on all continents, the UGA trains a globally networked elite of inventors and promotes in these institutes for “integral innovation”, etc. a. in the master’s course “Integral Studies”. The innovations created there are evaluated , selected, protected and exploited on the investment market in our own “Idea Production Center” . The UGA ensures curricular quality assurance, harmonious mobility in the network and the coordination and management of joint projects.


United Global Academy Science Award

The United Global Academy has been awarding the United Global Academy Science Prize (formerly Alpen-Adria Science Prize) since 2001 . This award honors outstanding research results by young researchers in the field of economics.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. www.landespressedienst.steiermark.at ( Memento from April 12, 2008 in the Internet Archive )