Avar language (Caucasus)

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Avar ( авар мацӀ [ awar maʦʼː ])

Spoken in

Dagestan ( Russian Federation ), Azerbaijan , Turkey
speaker over 766,000
Official status
Official language in Dagestani flag Dagestan (among other languages)
Language codes
ISO 639 -1


ISO 639 -2


ISO 639-3


Main distribution area of ​​Avar (No. 24) in the vicinity of the Northeast Caucasian language family

The Avar language of Dagestan (proper name: авар мацӀ [ awar maʦ'ː ], even магӀарул мацӀ [ maʕarul maʦ'ː ]) is not with the Avar related to the medieval steppe people.

Together with the Andean and Didoic languages, it belongs to the Avaro-Ando-Didoic subgroup within the Dagestani language group , which in turn is a subgroup of the ( Northeast Caucasian ) post-Dagestani language family.


Avar is now under the name болмацӀ [ bolmaʦ'ː ], German , vernacular ' an important lingua franca in the Caucasus and official language in the Autonomous Republic of Dagestan ( Russian Federation ). It is spoken by more than 600,000 people ( Avars ) in Dagestan, Azerbaijan and by a small group (around 10,000 people) in Turkey .

Avarisch has two main dialect groups with a northern and a southern one. Some dialects are viewed as languages ​​in their own right by linguists.


Avar has been written in writing since the 15th century, initially with the Georgian alphabet . Under Persian influence, the Arabic alphabet was adopted in the 17th century and the Avars began to use Persian . However, when Russian missionaries introduced a modified Cyrillic alphabet in the late 18th century , Avar was used again as a written and lingua franca. In 1930 the Latin-based Unified Alphabet was used to write modern Avar, which had to give way to today's Cyrillic in 1937.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1988/91, parts of the Avar-speaking population began to reintroduce the Arabic alphabet as part of the Islamization of the population. Appropriate efforts were given up after 1991 in favor of the Cyrillic.

The Cyrillic alphabet often reproduces the numerous consonants of Avar with two letters ( digraphe ), whereby the палочка páločka , German 'rods' (Russian), d. H. the auxiliary letter Ӏ , which also occurs in other Caucasian alphabets, is used.

А а
/ a /
Б б
/ b /
В в
/ w /
Г г
/ ɡ /
Гъ гъ
/ ʁ /
Гь гь
/ h /
ГӀ гӏ
/ ʕ /
Д д
/ d /
Е е
/ e /, / je /
Ё ё
/ jo /
Ж ж
/ ʒ /
З з
/ z /
И и
/ i /
Й й
/ j /
К к
/ k /
Къ къ
/ q͡χːʼ /
Кь кь
/ t͡ɬːʼ /
КӀ кӏ
/ kʼ /
КӀкӏ кӏкӏ
/ kːʼ /
Кк кк
/ kː /
Л л
/ l /
ЛӀ лӏ
/ t͡ɬː /
Лъ лъ
/ ɬ /
Лълъ лълъ
/ ɬː /
М м
/ m /
Н н
/ n /
О о
/ o /
П п
/ p /
Р р
/ r /
С с
/ s /
Сс сс
/ sː /
Т т
/ t /
ТӀ тӏ
/ tʼ /
У у
/ u /
Ф ф
/ f /
Х х
/ χ /
Хх хх
/ χː /
Хъ хъ
/ q͡χː /
Хь хь
/ x /
Хьхь хьхь
/ xː /
ХӀ хӏ
/ ħ /
Ц ц
/ t͡s /
Цц цц
/ t͡sː /
ЦӀ цӏ
/ t͡sʼ /
ЦӀцӏ цӏцӏ
/ t͡sːʼ /
Ч ч
/ t͡ʃ /
Чч чч
/ t͡ʃː /
ЧӀ чӏ
/ t͡ʃʼ /
ЧӀчӏ чӏчӏ
/ t͡ʃːʼ /
Ш ш
/ ʃ /
Щ щ
/ ʃː /
Ъ ъ
/ ʔ /
Ы ы
/ ɨ /
Ь ь
Э э
/ e /
Ю ю
/ ju /
Я я
/ yes /

To literature

There is a relatively large amount of Avar literature. The most famous recent writer is probably Rassul Gamsatow ( Расул ламзатов ). The poet Mahmud ( МахӀмуд ) from Qahabroso ( ХъахӀабросо ) is considered to be a brilliant poet of the pre-revolutionary era.

Text sample

“Меседил цӀудул” кваркьиялда гъоркь

Араб соналъго гӀадин исанаги цебеккунго лъазабун букӀана 2001 соналда газетазда рахъарал ва радио-телевидениялдасан кьурал журналистазул лъикӀаздасан лъикӀал хӀалтӀабазул "Меседил цӀум" конкурс. Араб рузман къоялда гьаруна гьеб конкурсалъул хӀасилал. Цересел соназда гьеб конкурсалда цӀар букӀана “Меседил хӀули”. [...]

Individual evidence

  1. Haqiqat. In: dagpravda.ru. August 2, 2002.


  • Georges Charachidzé: Grammaire de la langue avar (Langue du Caucase Nord-Est) . Éditions Jean Favard, Saint Sulpice de Favières 1981.

Web links

Wiktionary: Avar  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations