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Althaia. Copper engraving by Johann Wilhelm Baur

Althaia ( Greek Ἀλθαία Althaía ) is the daughter of Thestios and Eurythemis in Greek mythology . Althaia's siblings are Leda and Hypermnestra and their four brothers Iphiklos , Euippos , Plexippos and Eurypylos . Likewise Toxeus mentioned as a brother. She is the wife of Oineus , king of Kalydon , and with him had the children Toxeus , Klymenus , Meleagros , Perimede , Deianeira , Thyreus and Gorge .

Seven days after the birth of Meleager, the three moirs, Klotho , Lachesis and Atropos, appeared . They announced that their son would live as long as the log burning on the stove was not consumed by the fire. Althaia put out the fire and saved the piece of wood to keep Meleagros alive. When her son later killed Althaia's brothers, she burned the log in mourning. As a result, as predicted by the Moirs, their son Meleager died. Althaia subsequently took her own life by hanging herself.


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  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 7, 10.
  2. ^ Ovid , Metamorphosen 8, 441.