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The name Altix refers to a number of camera models from the Dresden optics company Altissa . They used 35mm film and took square pictures (24 × 24 mm).

The first model in this range, the Altix I, was first built in 1939. The manufacturer was the company operating as Altissa-Camera-Werk Berthold Altmann from 1941 . Production was stopped in 1940 due to the switch to armaments production. In 1947 production of the Altix I was resumed. After its nationalization in 1952, the manufacturer traded as VEB Altissa-Camera-Werk Dresden .

In the following years the camera was further developed and new models were introduced. These include the Altix II (1948), Altix III (1949), Altix IV (1952) and the Altix V (1954). The last two models were introduced in 1958 under the names Altix-n and Altix-nb. The “b” stood for a light meter that was initially attached to the top, but in the last models it was even integrated into the housing.

A short time later, the production of the Altix cameras at the Dresden location was discontinued after the Altissa camera factory was incorporated into the VEB Camera and Kinowerk Dresden , later VEB Pentacon Dresden .

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