Old Prussian biography

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The Old Prussian Biography (ApB) is a biographical reference work in five volumes. It goes back to an initiative in 1923, as a result of which the Historical Commission for East and West Prussian State Research was founded, as well as the Old Prussian Monthly (AMS), which has been published since 1864, and a successor series was started under the title Old Prussian Research .

The first delivery for Volume I of the ApB appeared in 1936, the last for Volume II in 1967. This was followed by various additions, the most recent and final in 2015, so that around 7,000 people are recorded. It was created based on the model of the General German Biography (ADB).

The co-founder of ApB, Christian Krollmann , died in 1944. (He accompanied the printing up to the letter “P”.) Klaus Bürger , the editor of the fifth volume, died in 2010.


Old Prussian biography 1974
I. Abegg - Malten, Königsberg 1941, ND Marburg / L. 1974 ( DNB 365290718 )
II. Maltitz - Z, Marburg / L. 1967 ( DNB 365290726 )
III. Supplements to Vol. I and II, 1975
IV. Supplements to Vol. I to III, Ed. Ernst Bahr u. a., Marburg / Lahn 1995
V, 1 Ed. Klaus Bürger , Marburg / Lahn 2000
V, 2 Ed. Klaus Bürger, 2007
V, 3 ed. By Klaus Bürger (✝), completed in collaboration with Joachim Artz von Bernhart Jähnig , 2015

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