At the Augustinerhof

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At the Augustinerhof
Augustinerstraße, Augustinerhof
coat of arms
Street in Trier
At the Augustinerhof
View of the Augustinerhof with the town hall
Basic data
place trier
District center
Cross streets Jüdemerstrasse, Stresemannstrasse, Hindenburgstrasse
Places Cattle marketplace
Buildings City theater , St. Antonius , former Augustinian monastery, bunker from the Second World War

The Augustinerhof - official name Am Augustinerhof  - is a square in the city ​​center of Trier opposite the Viehmarktplatz , which is less than 500 meters away . The name of the square is derived from the former Augustinian monastery, which houses the town hall of Trier. Augustinerstraße runs across the square towards the town hall .

At the Augustinerhof, next to the historic monastery building, there is an unfinished bunker , the old St. Katharina's monastery church, the Trier theater and a former education center of the country poor house from 1844/46. The latter was built according to plans by the architect Johann Georg Wolff and is also used as an administration building in the 21st century. In the place of the theater stood the Schinkel building, which was destroyed in the Second World War, also designed by Wolff from 1834 to 1837, and which housed the later Trier insane asylum .

Finally, at the Augustinerhof there is the Humboldt-Gymnasium Trier, built in 1957 by Erich Wirth on the remains of a previous building in skeleton construction, which was called Hindenburg-Gymnasium until 2008. In the middle of a group of trees in the school yard of the grammar school, remains of a memorial for soldiers of the First World War have been preserved.

Near the Augustinerhof is the Catholic parish church of St. Antonius from the 15th century with some late Gothic elements. The pulpit, originally installed in a Dominican monastery that was demolished in 1812, was expanded in 1762 in the Rococo style.

The square is shaped by the Heimatbrunnen , which because of its inscription “Unity and Law and Freedom. Breslau, Gliwice, Stettin, Koenigsberg, Eger, Marienburg “is very controversial. However, the Mayor of Trier, Klaus Jensen , declared in 2012 that the fountain should continue to bear an inscription and name in memory of the eventful German history.

The Augustinerhof also serves as an above-ground parking lot. A large parking garage is available under it and under the cattle marketplace.

Hotels, restaurants, a medical center and a number of shops are also grouped near the square.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Emil Zenz: Street names of the city of Trier: their sense and their meaning . Ed .: Culture Office of the City of Trier. 5th edition. Trier 2006, DNB  455807825 (1st edition 1961).
  2. Patrick Ostermann (arrangement): City of Trier. Old town. (=  Cultural monuments in Rhineland-Palatinate. Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany . Volume 17.1 ). Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Worms 2001, ISBN 3-88462-171-8 .
  3. Entry on the former Augustinerhof lunatic asylum (so-called Schinkelbau) in the database of cultural assets in the Trier region ; accessed on March 11, 2016.
  4. a b Entry on Humboldt-Gymnasium (former Hindenburg-Gymnasium) in the database of cultural assets in the Trier region ; accessed on March 11, 2016.
  5. Marcus Stölb: Hindenburg has had its day. In: time online. March 2008, accessed on September 9, 2015 : “The city of Trier wants to rename its Hindenburg grammar school after a 50-year dispute. That has nothing to do with coming to terms with the past, says the CDU. "
  6. Entry on Sankt Antonius (1) (Catholic parish church) in the database of cultural assets in the Trier region ; accessed on March 11, 2016.
  7. Marcus Stölb: No revanchism. (No longer available online.) In: 16 before - News from Trier. June 29, 2012, archived from the original on May 6, 2016 ; Retrieved September 9, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 49 ° 45 ′ 6.5 ″  N , 6 ° 38 ′ 1.8 ″  E