Amanullah Parsa

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Amanullah Parsa (born December 27, 1933 in Kabul ) is one of the world's most renowned Afghan representatives of modern and post-impressionist art and professor of art, especially for physically disabled students. His paintings and sculptures are among the most famous works of art in Afghanistan.

After receiving a scholarship from the Italian government, Amanullah Parsa moved to Rome to continue his studies in fine arts at the Accademia di Belle Arti . His works of art have been shown all over Italy , the United States and Afghanistan and have received numerous awards. He is the author of the books "Gli Sfidanti" (The Challenger) and "Gli Amabili".


  • 1989 Petrofi Gallery in Milan
  • 1990 Bollate painting exhibition
  • 1990 art exhibition in Alexandria , Virginia
  • 1992 Collective painting exhibition coordinated by Professor Parsa in Rome
  • 1995 charity art exhibition of various Afghan artists
  • 1998 Exhibition at George Mason University in Alexandria, Virginia

Awards and honors

  • First prize in the paper mache sculpture category at the Salon d 'Été in Kabul, 1950
  • First prize among two thousand Afghan competitors in the painting category at the "Salon d'Été" National Painting Competition in Kabul
  • Gold medal for his painting in Via Linneo 5
  • Gold award and honorable mention for his painting courses at the Cova Art School
  • Ambrogino d'oro , Department of Education of the City of Milan on January 29, 1987
  • Silver medal for a Honorable Mention on 3/1/62 - 3/15/63 - 11/20/64 - 3/15/65 in Rome
  • Silver medal at the 1st International Painting Competition in Rome
  • Silver medal at the 2nd International Painting Competition (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) CIVIS in Cervara
  • Lyons Club Award from the Erba Chapter
  • Honorary President at the 1st International Exhibition for Extemporary Art in Rome
  • Honorary President at the International Art Exhibition in Sabaudia