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Gallic tribes; the Ambarrians can be found on the border between Celtica and Narbonensis

The Ambarrer (lat. Ambarri ) were a Celtic tribe whose settlement area lay on both sides of the Arar ( Saône ), as the original name * Ambi-arari ("those who live on both sides of the Arar") shows (see also Souconna ). Their immediate neighbors were the Haeduer and the Allobroger .

In Titus Livius ( Ab urbe condita libri CXLII ; V, 34) we can read that the Biturigen king Ambicatus sent his nephews Bellovesus and Segovesus with part of the tribe to conquer new residential areas because of the threat of overpopulation in Gaul .

“Tum Segoueso sortibus dati Hercynei saltus; Beloueso haud paulo laetiorem in Italiam uiam di dabant. Is quod eius ex populis abundabat, Bituriges, Aruernos, Senones, Haeduos, Ambarros, Carnutes, Aulercos exciuit. Profectus ingentibus peditum equitumque copiis in Tricastinos uenit. "

" (Then Segovesus received the Hercynian forests by lots;. The Bellovesus gave the gods the far more enjoyable way to Italy offered on what his peoples outnumber had Bituriges, Arverni , Senones , Aedui, Ambarrer, carnutes and Aulerker made, set out with enormous troops of foot soldiers and riders and came to the area of ​​the Tricastines .) "


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bernhard Maier: Lexicon of the Celtic religion and culture . P. 17 f.
  2. Helmut Birkhan: Celts. Attempt at a complete representation of their culture. Pp. 86-87, each with footnote 1.