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Gaul at the time of Caesar (58 BC)
Vienne at the time of the Allobroger

The Allobroges or Allobroges (lat. Allobroges ) were a Celtic tribe who fought Hannibal when he was crossing the Alps and who was finally subjugated by Caesar .

Etymology of the name

The name of the Allobroges probably means "living in foreign areas" (see. Welsh allfro "stranger"). An analogous formation would then be seen in the tribal name of the Nitiobrogen ("who live in their own areas").


The area of ​​the Allobrogen extended between the Rhone and Isère up to Lake Geneva . At Genava (now Geneva), after Caesar extremum oppidum Allobrogum , the Rhone formed the border with the Helvetii area . Its main town, Vienne , a simple fortified place in the early days, had developed into a city and the center of an extensive territory between the Isère, the Rhone, Lake Geneva and the Graian Alps at the time of Emperor Augustus .

They were born in 121 BC. Chr. By the Roman army under Quintus Fabius Maximus together with their main town in Vienne Arverni defeated and then in the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis integrated. 61 BC Chr. , There was a recent uprising of the Allobroges. In addition, the allobrogens played an important role in the Catilinarian conspiracy , as they betrayed Catiline to the then consul Cicero .



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Individual evidence

  1. A general rule is that Latin people name on -i in German by the suffix -er to be played while the consonantal declension belonging to Ethnonyms -it the Germans -en end.
  2. Bernhard Maier: Small lexicon of names and words of Celtic origin. Beck, Munich 2003, p. 85. ISBN 3-406-49470-6 .
  3. Caesar De bello Gallico 1, 6, 3 .
  4. ^ Strabo 4, 1, 11 .
  5. ^ Velleius Paterculus 2, 10, 39 .