American National Election Studies

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The American National Election Studies (ANES) are a collection of nationwide surveys of voters in the United States , the before and after presidential elections and after congressional elections are carried out. They go back to surveys that have been going on since 1948 and were officially created in 1977 with the start of support from the National Science Foundation .

The ANES are based at the University of Michigan , which also organizes the surveys, since 2005 in collaboration with Stanford University . Since a core of the same questions has been used since it was first carried out, the ANES data are methodologically regarded as the gold standard in electoral research and in political science research as an important data source, particularly for the time series analysis of long-term trends in voter opinion. Data from early ANES surveys formed the basis for the work The American Voter , published in 1960 by Angus Campbell , Philip E. Converse , Warren E. Miller and Donald E. Stokes , through which the Ann Arbor model for explaining voter behavior established as one of the three main currents of electoral research.

The ANES studies are carried out through personal interviews with nationally selected representative voters. In addition to the long-term time series studies , new questions and methods are tested in pilot studies . In panel studies , the same voters are repeatedly surveyed over a certain period of time, for example before a certain election, in order to record the effects of the election campaign and certain events on their opinions.


  • John H. Aldrich (Ed.), Kathleen M. McGraw (Ed.): Improving Public Opinion Surveys: Interdisciplinary Innovation and the American National Election Studies. Princeton University Press, Princeton 2011, ISBN 0-69-115146-6
  • Warren E. Miller: An Organizational History of the Intellectual Origins of the American National Election Studies. In: European Journal of Political Research. 25 (3) / 1994. European Consortium for Political Research, pp. 247-265, ISSN  0304-4130
  • Virginia Sapiro, Larry M. Bartels: The American National Election Studies: A Progress Report. In: PS: Political Science and Politics. 31 (1 )/1998. American Political Science Association, pp. 64-68, ISSN  1049-0965

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