Nanterre rampage

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The Nanterre rampage occurred on March 27, 2002 in the Paris suburb of Nanterre in France . The 33-year-old unemployed Richard Durn shot and wounded eight council members and injured 19 others during a city council meeting before he could be overwhelmed. The next day, during an interrogation in an office on the fourth floor of the Paris Criminal Investigation Department, he fell to his death from a window.


The meeting of the Nanterre municipal council, which lasted several hours, ended at around 1:15 a.m. At the time, only Richard Durn was left in the audience, who suddenly stood up, pulled out two Glock pistols and fired at the councilors. When he tried to reload his weapons, he was overwhelmed by local councils. Eight people died in the hail of bullets, 14 people were seriously injured and five people were slightly injured.

During the questioning in an office on the fourth floor of the Paris Criminal Police on Quai d'Orfèvres, Durn's handcuffs were removed. When two officers asked him to look at a document, he suddenly rushed to the only half-open unbarred attic window in this room under the attic and jumped through the opening. The police tried in vain to hold him, he fell about 15 meters into a courtyard and died a few minutes later.

He had no criminal record and was previously unknown to the police in this city. However, he had been in psychiatric treatment several times and is said to have threatened the staff with a weapon at least once. Out of consideration for medical confidentiality, this incident was not reported to the police, but only recorded internally with a reference to the potential danger of this patient. As a result, Richard Durn also kept his gun license, which allowed him, as a member of the Colombes sports shooting club, to purchase large-caliber automatic pistols in a completely legal manner. The police seized six pistols in his residence.


  • The parliament of the canton of Zug, only six months earlier the victim of a rampage , sent a letter of condolence to Nanterre.

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