Roger Apéry

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Roger Apéry (born November 14, 1916 in Rouen , † December 18, 1994 in Caen ) was a French mathematician .

His mother was French and his father was Greek . After studying at the École normal supérieure from 1936, and a year as a prisoner of war in World War II, he became a lecturer in Rennes . In 1949 he became a professor at Caen University . He stayed here until his retirement. He died in 1994 after a long illness.

In 1979 he surprised the mathematical world with his unexpected proof of the irrationality of the Apéry constant named after him :

He was essentially using the rapidly converging series


An appreciation of this achievement becomes clear from two perspectives:


Carl Ludwig Siegel once gave the following assessment of Apery's evidence:

"You can only hold the proof like a crystal in front of you"

- orally by Wilhelm Maak handed


  • La géométrie algébrique , Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 71, 1943, pp. 46–66 (French; in Numdam: [1] )
  • Irrationalité de et . Astérisque 61, 1979, pp. 11-13 (French)
  • Sur certaines séries entières arithmétiques , Groupe d'étude d'analysis ultramétrique 9 No. 16, 1982 (French; in Numdam: [2] )
